Alexa will say Arlington County election results and provide voting station addresses. On the Echo Show, Alexa will show maps and charts in addition to speaking to you. Arlington Voter Guide is free for Amazon Alexa users.
"Alexa, ask Arlington Voter Guide about the school board election results"
Pie charts for the Arlington County school board election results on the Echo Show.
"Alexa, ask Arlington Voter Guide where can I vote in Clarendon"
Maps for poll station locations and helpful spoken words, on the Echo Show.
"Alexa, ask Arlington Voter Guide for a list of poll stations"
Want a list of places to vote? Just say "Alexa, ask Arlington Voter Guide for a list of poll stations" and Alexa will respond. On the Echo Show, Alexa will display a list of all precinct names. Tap on any precinct name and Alexa will display a map of the voting station with the street address.
Get this Skill
Try the skill today. Just click the Enable button in the Alexa app or on the website. Or say "Alexa, enable the Arlington Voter Guide skill" to enable the skill. Alexa will respond with visuals and spoken words.
Enable this skill on the Amazon website or in the Alexa app.
Built on Amazon Web Services
Arlington Voter Guide is hosted on Amazon Web Services.
Built with Free Software

Arlington Voter Guide, written in javascript, is built with free software from serverless framework, node js, and jmespath. An automated pipeline builds and deploys the software to AWS Lambda. The pipeline consists of several web services including AWS Code Commit, AWS CodeBuild, AWS CodeDeploy and is visualized with AWS CodeStar.
Built with Free Online Services
Arlington Voter Guide is free to use because of the free information available by the State of Virginia and Google. The skill also uses lots of software on Github published with npm.
Arlington County Voter guide shows maps, charts, and lists.
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